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猫咪简介(Introduction of the cat).doc

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猫咪简介(Introduction of the cat).doc

上传人:marry201208 2018/9/4 文件大小:33 KB


猫咪简介(Introduction of the cat).doc



文档介绍:猫咪简介(Introduction of the cat)
Ragdoll (Ragdoll)
History: the United States, also known as the burador, is a breed of cat developed by Ann Baker, a California woman. The cat is the largest and most important cat in the cat. The ancestors of the white feline and the burman cats began breeding in 1960 and were recognized in the United States in 1965.
Personality: ragdoll special flabby body soft, like soft puppets, character gentle and quiet, very friendly to people, patience, tolerance to pain is quite strong, often mistaken for a lack of sense of pain. To be able to tolerate children's play, so named the puppet cat, is an ideal family pet. The cat is not suitable for them to go out games, they should be kept inside the cat. They can live in peace with children, dogs and old people, and love to be with humans. They greet their hosts at the door and follow their master.
Head: an equilateral triangle, flat between the ears. The cheeks are wedged along the plane lines.
Ears: medium size, slightly open and wide. The ears are rounded and lean forward.
Eyes: big, bright, blue, oval. Eyes wide open, slightly upward.
Nose: a mid-length nose.
Jaw: chin should develop well, strong, and line up with upper lip and nose.
Limbs: medium length. The hind legs are longer than the forelimbs, and the forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs.
Foot: large and round in proportion