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how to sleep well.doc

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how to sleep well.doc


文档介绍:How to Sleep Well
Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to sleep. Tossing and turning. Your mind is racing, going over everything that happened today. Night noises keep you awake. What can you do? Now I will give you some tips which may help you sleep well more or less.
only when you are sleepy
This reduces the time you are awake in bed.
you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy
Sit quietly in the dark or read something boring. Don't expose yourself to bright light while you are up. The light gives cues to your brain that it is time to wake up.
't take naps
This will ensure you are tired at bedtime. If you just can't make the day through without a nap, sleep less than one hour, before 3 pm.
up and go to bed at the same time every day
Even on weekends! When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm, you will feel better.
from exercise at least 4 hours before bedtime
Regular exercise is mended to help you sleep well, but the timing of the workout is important. Exercising in the morning or early afternoon will not interfere with sleep.

sleep rituals
It is important to give your body cues that it is time to slow down and sleep. For example,you can listen to relaxing music, read something soothing for 15 minutes, have a cup of caffeine free tea, do relaxat


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