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文档介绍:SET history 沿革
Introduction 简介
Europe, especially the expanded munity, is a vast area of business opportunities, particularly for panies, who traditionally are OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and now have realized the importance of developing their own products with their own brands and expanding their markets overseas. Now, it is the right time for panies to go global.
欧洲,特别是扩展中的欧洲共同体,充满商机,对于传统上从事代工产业(OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer)的中国公司而言,他们今日已经深知打造自己的产品和品牌的重要性,而且急需在国际市场建立品牌。中国公司“走出去”,现在正是时候。
Although filled with tremendous opportunities, investing in Europe is not easy. The systems used are different, the ways Europeans do business are different, and of course the culture, language and business evaluation methods are also different. More than ever, multinationals are realizing the importance of having a core team of dedicated advisors that can help them eed, no matter where they want to invest in the world.
January 20th 2007
Beijing, China
SET history 沿革
Sino-European Team 团队
The Sino-European Team (SET) is such a team that can help panies to achieve just that. bination of experts from YORK International | Lawyers (Legal), Deloitte (Tax) and Fortis (Banking), SET can literally take the panies wherever they want to go.
SET was initiated with the vision of three professionals, in their respective fields of legal, tax, and banking. The three founders (Alice H. Hsu, Willem Blom, and Stefaan Blondeel) have been entrenched in doing business in China for the past decade. With their experience in dealing with China matters and helping panies, they realized that panies can benefit the most by having a true one-stop shop. In the petitive global market, panies need to capitalize on the value of having one team, in


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