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近几年,以全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)为代表的定位与导航技术迅速发展,已经进入国民经济的各相关领域中,尤其是在农业相关研究领域获得越来越广泛的应用。GPS以其高精度、全天候和高效率的特点完全可以胜任设备定位以及数据传输的需求,因此,如何合理、高效的获取GPS定位信号是目前定位与导航技术领域中研究的热点课题,也是本设计的研究目标。
本研究设计的GPS信息采集系统使用LabVIEW软件采集Trimble 5700 GPS接收机输出的定位信息。GPS接收机与计算机的串口相连,LabVIEW程序从计算机串口读取GPS信息并实时、准确的显示出来。在定位数据动态、实时可视化的同时,将原始数据进行保存用于后续进一步分析。实验结果表明,设计的GPS信息采集系统能够实时采集GPS定位信息并显示其运动轨迹,其功能达到了最初的设计目标。
本设计对GPS 应用系统开发、工作状态监测、信号质量评估、导航仪性能分析等具有实用价值,也可作为定位结果优化处理的数据源。
关键词:虚拟仪器 GPS LabVIEW 采集系统
GPS Information Acquisition System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology
Wu Zetao
(College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)
Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of positioning and navigation technology, represented by Global Positioning System (GPS), has entered in the relevant fields of the national economy. Especially, GPS has been widely used in agriculture related research fields. With the characteristics of high precision, all-weather and high efficiency, GPS is fully capable of positioning and data transmission requirements. Therefore, the reasonable and efficient introduction of GPS positioning technology is a hot topic in the research field of positioning and navigation, and is also the objective of this design.
This paper described the development status at home and abroad, research achievements and existing problems of the positioning and navigation technology, and introduced the GPS -based on-munication and information acquisition of GPS equipment and PC system. The key technology and method of GPS information collection and analysis was discussed based on the analysis of NMEA 0183 protocol. Virtual instrument technology and LabVIEW software was used to develop a GPS signal acquisition program to establish the munication between


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