文档介绍:西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第1页
摘 要
效应和结构大位移,其中:索的非线性分析采用Ernst弹性模量对索材料的弹性模量进行修正,计及索的垂度效应的方法;梁单元的非线性分析采用CR 列式法,计算中采用基于Newton—Raphson法的增量迭代方法求解非线性方程组。
。首先介绍了桥粱结构的振动基本理论, 然后介绍了对板桁结合斜拉桥的固有振动进行分析时所需用到的特性矩阵的计算方法,最后依据线性理论,采用空间杆系有限元法,编制了相应的斜拉桥结构的空间动力分析程序。仍以芜湖长江大桥为例,采用多种方式对该桥的自振特性进行了计算、分析与比较。
关键词: 板桁结合斜拉桥;a露面爵再黼静力分析;动力分析。
西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第JI页
This paper is concentrated on the space geometric non-linear static analysis
and vibration analysis of the long span plate·-posite cable--stayed
static analysis of the long span plate-posite cable—stayed ,the CR formation on the geometric non·linear structural analysis is ,the structural discretization of cable-stayed bridge、the stiffness matrix、the formation of nodal force and the simulated construction system are circumstances on the geometric non-linear analysis
are considered:the sag phenomenon of cables、the nonlinear behavior of bending
members and the geometry change due to large non—linear behavior of cables is verified by introduced the Ernst cable modulus of elasticity and CR formation is applied to analyze the non-linear of method based on the Newton—Raphson method js adopted here to solve the non—behavior equations.
A space geometric non-linear static finite element analysis program about the long span plate·posite cable-stayed bridges is only it can be used to solve the space static analysis about the state of the dead Joad configuration(geometry and internal forces),but also it can be used to analyze the internal fo