Inverter Power supply Design Based on TL494
The design applying the switching power source circuit technology in connected. Relating with knowledge about what imitate integrated circuit、power source integrated circuit、power amplification integrated circuit and switching regulated voltage circuit on principle. Sufficient apply chip TL494 fixed-frequency pulse width modulation circuit and field effect transistor (N channel strengthen MOSFET) whose switch speed quick, nothing secondary Break down and hot stability good merit to design circuit. Owe the inverter main part ingredient by DC/DC circuit、importing the over-voltage crowbar circuit、exporting an over-voltage crowbar protect a circuit、overheat protective circuit、DC/AC shifts circuit、oscillating circuit and entire bridge circuit. Continuing for during the period of the job exports power functions such as being 150 W, having the regular guiding lights working, exporting an over-voltage crowbar, importing the over-voltage crowbar and overheat protective. The cost of manufacture being a power source of turn paratively cheap, the pragmatism is strong, and it has a function annex to the various portably type.
KEY WORDS: over heat protective, over-voltage integrated circuit (IC), oscillating frequency, pulse width modulation (PWM).
前言 1
第1章简介 3
概述 3
第2章逆变电源原理与构成 4
逆变电源的基本构成和原理 4
逆变电源的基本构成和原理 4
逆变电源的技术性能指标及主要特点 7
逆变电源的主要元器件及其特性 7
TL494电流模式PWM控制器 7
场效应管 11
第3章各部分支路电路设计及其参数计算 13
各部分支路电路设计及其参数计算 13
DC/DC变换电路 13
DC/AC变换电路 16
TL494芯片Ⅰ外围电路 18
TL494芯片Ⅱ外围电路 18