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puter Graphics,简称CG)是一种使用数学算法将二维或三维图形转化为计算机显示器的栅格形式的科学。简单地说,计算机图形学的主要研究内容就是研究如何在计算机中表示图形、以及利用计算机进行图形的计算、处理和显示的相关原理与算法。图形通常由点、线、面、体等几何元素和灰度、色彩、线型、线宽等非几何属性组成。从处理技术上来看,图形主要分为两类,一类是基于线条信息表示的,如工程图、等高线地图、曲面的线框图等,另一类是明暗图,也就是通常所说的真实感图形。
本文介绍了建设计算机图形学精品课程所用到的基本技术,及具体是网站设计及实现方法。该网站以Dreamweaver为开发工具,以IIS为解释服务器,以Asp(Active Server Page)为编程语言,以CSS+Div为网站前台网页样式设计及页面框架搭建,ess为数据库来建设的。内容主要有:师资队伍、课程描述、教学资源、师生交流、实验教学、成果展示、在线考试。
关键词:精品课程网站建设 Dreamweaver Css Div Javascript
The construction puter Graphics Excellent Courses Website
Computer Graphics (Computer Graphics, referred to as CG) is a mathematical algorithm science which using two-dimensional or three-puter graphics display into a rid form . Simply put, the main researched content puter graphics was that how to display puter graphics in puter and the using of the calculation, processing and display the relevant principles and algorithms Graphics posed by that the non-geometric attributes , which such as point, line, face, body and other geometric elements, and gray, color, line, line width. In terms of processing technology , graphics is mainly divided into two kinds of is based on the lines, such as engineering drawings, contour maps, surface wireframe map, and the other is a light map, which is usually called realistic graphics.
This paper introduces the basic technology of the construction of Cmputer Graphics Courses excellent Courses website, the design of this web and the implementation of this web. In the construction of this web, I used the Dreamweaver as the site development tools, used the IIS Server as web server, used Asp(Active Server Page) for the programming language,used CSS + Div for the front web design of this website ,used Access as the database for this website. This website is mainly included: the introduction of teachers, the description puter Graphics Course, the resources of teaching,the exchange between teachers and students,the experiment teaching,the showin