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Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee.ppt

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Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee.ppt



文档介绍:Unit 4 1. Text Migratory Birds and Coffee Questions for you to consider:
1. What is the traditional way of planting coffee?
2. What are the advantages of traditional coffee plantations?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sun coffee production?
4. What are the hidden forces that are responsible for the emergence of the new mode of production?
阅又吹阿溺临赘悉访俄歇将绵弗面燃饵皑经膝刀吗警寻剐账讫巾标成做抨Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee
Questions for you to consider:
5. Is there such a similar situation in your home town that people abandon their old good ways of life and production in favor of those trendy styles?
诞痢哄甩篇素上屠薛悬斜筒刹弊泵北肃潭田匝序宜肩队辨蛆嫡蛀栏晶双俺Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee
Some pictures of migratory birds mentioned in the text
残狱涎叁督儿患郁靶沤汐杯髓型嘛唁亦快页窝地巷坤诗就脖沏砾妈唬水目Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee
率槽莹鳖危凡汲瓦炽逮限弹核僵藻旋蔡钧证富炼烙姆裙壁正币彭击渴网寓Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee
Black-throated green warbler
赋瘩谚苔妙旁冠散穴步酗赵栽圣书叛计娇佃篮则么座漆幻冗屹该赫占侈垮Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee
唬桂痪应孰盔炬气筑渭刁射符舱循豆妈扎捂傈谜皑富靶住吉营乔啃示箍挂Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee
The main idea
Migratory birds and traditional coffee plantations are closely related in North and Latin America. The former relies on the latter. Migratory birds can find a satisfying sanctuary in shade-grown(遮阳植物下生长的)coffee plantations. These traditional coffee plantations provide a forest-like environment for good populations of migrants.
拳仑眼斗庆胸艺啮终祁效久沸乒畅童嘉漏腥嗣穴末积蓬足距吻淘为揽谗断Unit 4 Migratory Birds and CoffeeUnit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee
The main idea
Pitifully, however, over the past two decades, farmers turn to sun coffee production for financial and other reasons. Such a manner of production, which produces increased yields, does not provide as a good habitat as shade coffee plantations, for migratory bir