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文档介绍:On crane safety inspection technology
Author : Liangkun Shing article Source : Business and Technology coastal 更新时间:2006-3-16 【字体:小大】Update : 2006-3-16
Abstract : The article presents a crane safety technical inspection points, and based on that examination, timely maintenance, equipment maintenance to extend the life, integrity and improve equipment utilization, eliminating the danger of accidents. guarantee safe production is of great significance.
【关键词】轨道;行走部分;金属结构;主要机构零部件;液压;电器Key words: orbit; Running; Metal structure; ponents; Hydraulic; Appliances
1 cranes surrounding environment inspection
运行环境和轨道对起重机的安全运行有直接关系,故也是对起重机进行安全检查时必不可少的内容。Operational environment and to track the safe operation of cranes have a direct relationship it is also right to carry out safety inspection crane indispensable content. 其检查要点如下:Inspections are as follows :
(1). 查看起重机运行区间有无电力线路(特别是高压线路)。View Crane interval whether power lines (especially the high-voltage lines). 起重机在运行时应与之保持足够的安全距离。Crane with the operation should be sufficient to maintain a safe distance. 否则,就应采取相应措施,限制该起重机的运行范围。Otherwise, they should take corresponding measures to restrict the scope of the operation of a crane.
(      ). 检查周边的建筑物、临时设施等有无妨碍起重机的正常运行,起重臂、平衡物等部位是否会与之发生碰撞。Inspection of the surrounding buildings, such as the availability of temporary facilities hinder the normal operation of a crane, boom, balance etc. parts will collide with them. 特别在起重机在轨道运行时或固定式起重机升高位移时,尤应注意检查。Special cranes in the orbit or stationary crane increased displacement, particular attention should be given to inspection. 对于轮胎吊和汽车吊还应检查其支脚的位置是否足够,地下有无空洞及地面承载能力的大小。For automobile tires and hanging suspended should check their foot position is adequate, whether empty underground and ground bearing capacity sizes.
      Crane orbit inspection
(1). . 夹轨器或铁鞋有无丢失:应特别检查其在轨道上的牢固程度及离轨道末端是否保留有1~3m的安全距离。Rail Clamp or any loss of iron shoes : special inspections of its orbit in a strong degree from the track and whether