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上传人:rita291961 2018/9/14 文件大小:29 KB






The little child grewup in the King’s house. She became a Princess. The Princess wanted to see allthat she could. She wanted to know what the men were doing in the garden. Shewanted to know the names of all the flowers and of all the trees. She said tothe men in the King’s garden, “What is the name of this flower? What isthe name of this tree?” In the house she wanted to see all that there wasto see.
She wanted to know howmany rooms there were in the King’s house, and who lived in all the rooms. Soshe went into one room, and then into another room, and then into another. Shewent into big rooms and little rooms, and very little rooms. Then she said,“I have been to all the rooms in the house.” But there was one roomwhere she had not gone.
As she went on, shecame to a new room. It was a little room very far away from all the otherrooms. The door of the room was shut. The Princess wanted to go in and see whatwas in this room. She called, “Open the door!” But no one came. Shecalled once. She called twice; then the door was opened. The Princess went intothe room: and there she saw a very old woman.
The old woman wassitting near a table. On the table there was some cloth. The old woman had somecloth in one hand, and in the other hand she had a needle.
The Princess said,“What are you doing?”
“I am makingsomething,” said the old woman.
“What are youmaking?” said