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With the rapid development munication technology and the , based on mobile phone application has begun to e a kind of new functional requirements, and people have paid more and more attention. Because of its simplicity, anytime, anywhere, etc., it has the advantages that the puter can't match.. In this way, the mobile application development work is particularly important, the development of a collection of mobile application store "is very important, in recent years the iPhone in the development trend is rising day by day, iPhone mobile phone security is very strong, a lot of things are not open to the public, love limit free mobile app is for the iPhone and the development of a mobile application, widening the market also make the application to iPhone app development is ing more and more urgent, you can love limit free development is not only the needs of customers is the demand of the market
The development of love limited free project use of iPhone own R & D software , mainly UIkit framework and Foundation framework. Love free for a limited time of project development, the data for display of the main application list controller UIableview, in the use of UItableview is reuse of the cell is the difficulty of this technology, mainly to avoid memory leak condition, which leads to the program crashes in the cell multiplexing a


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