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十二生肖(英文版)animal zodiac.ppt

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十二生肖(英文版)animal zodiac.ppt

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十二生肖(英文版)animal zodiac.ppt


The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the Western linear concept of time.
The Chinese Lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the Western solar calendar.
In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the year falls somewhere between late January and early February.
In traditional China, dating methods were cyclical, cyclical meaning something that is repeated time after time according to a pattern.
A popular folk method which reflected this cyclical method of recording years are the Twelve Animal Signs. Every year is assigned an animal name or "sign" according to a repeating cycle: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar.
I am SHOO.
You are imaginative, charming, and truly generous to the person you love.
The Year Of The Rat
Who am I?
A born leader.
The Year Of The Ox
My name is HOO.
You are sensitive, emotional, and capable of great love.
The Year Of The Tiger
TOO is me.
You are the kind of person, that people like to be around, affectionate, obliging, always pleasant.
The Year Of The Rabbit
Full of vitality and enthusiasm. You are intelligent, gifted, and a perfectionist .
The Year Of The Dragon
I am SHER.
Rich in wisdom and charm, you are romantic and deep thinking.
The Year Of The Snake