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使命召唤现代战争流程功略(call of duty modern warfare process sina).doc

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使命召唤现代战争流程功略(call of duty modern warfare process sina).doc

上传人:cai.li.bin 2018/9/17 文件大小:36 KB


使命召唤现代战争流程功略(call of duty modern warfare process sina).doc



文档介绍:使命召唤4现代战争流程功略(Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare process Sina)
The famous FPS mission call, landing ds! Call of duty (COD) is developed by Activision FPS on the subject of war games, this is a series of fourth for the DS version, from the beginning of the game background by the 2 War battlefield shifted to the modern battlefield, demonstrated in a variety of contemporary military level with powerful weapon under the fierce battle to boiling point! Friends who like FPS games must not miss it!
Operation mode
DS version of the Cod4 is NGC times the excellent FPS game "Geist" pany N-SPACE meticulously, thanks to the excellent engine, the number of frames is absolutely satisfactory, with keys and smooth distribution of the sense of the operation, make the game telepresence doubled! Nonsense not say, following by Le as we introduce the game mode of operation.
Cross key: move
ABXY key: move
L/R key: shooting
Touch screen: turn the camera (angle of view)
Packed ammunition (click on weapons)
Switch weapons (ibid.)
Special explanation:
Double click on the cross key: running, fast forward
Double click on the cross key: squat
Touch screen double click: accurate aiming
Flow Preface
This is a good FPS, there are still many picky place, but with a handheld ds game to measure, is called for, then we bring is the process. Here we say hello to you, because of the lack of equipment can not bring a picture that you feel shy, if not understand where you can keep abreast of exchanges, and e the ings of sina, a friend will give out bonus reward.
First pass
After the game begins, begin the game after annoying long opening animations. The first part is the training section, where we will learn the basic operation of the game, the game is divided into shooting training, action investigation, training, air raid request 3 parts. Because this is not a simple introduced one by one, need to remind is second kinds of training in the first open lock, first make all the "water" after get