格拉斯哥昏迷评分(a Scale,GCS)
睁眼自己睁眼 4
大声提问时睁眼 3
捏患者时睁眼 2
捏患者时不睁眼 1
格拉斯哥昏迷评分(a Scale,GCS)
能执行简单命令 6 捏痛时能拨开医生的手 5 捏痛时能抽出被捏的肢体 4 捏痛时呈去皮质强直 3 捏痛时呈去大脑强直 2 毫无反应 1
格拉斯哥昏迷评分(a Scale,GCS)
言语反应能正确会话 5
言语错乱,定向障碍 4
语言能被理解,但无意义 3
能发声,但不能被理解 2
不发声 1
指导 Instruction:
1a. 意识水平(Level of Consciousness)
研究者必须选择一个反应(The investigator must choose a response)
量表定义 Scale Definition:
0 =反应敏锐(Alert)
1 =嗜睡,最小刺激能唤醒患者(Not Alert, but arousable)
2 =昏睡或反应迟钝,需要强烈反复刺激或疼痛刺激才能有非固定模式的反应 Not alert; requires repeated stimulation or painful stimuli ( not stereotyped)
3 =仅有反射活动或自发反应,或完全没有反应、软瘫、无反射(Responds only with reflex motor or autonomic effects)
美国国立卫生院脑卒中量表NIH Stroke Scale
指导 Instruction:
1b 意识水平提问 LOC Questions
提问患者现在是几月,和他/她的年龄 The patient is asked the month and his/her age
量表定义 Scale Definition:
0 = 回答都正确 Answers both questions correctly
1 =正确回答一个 Answers one question correctly
2 =两个回答都不正确 Answers neither question correctly
美国国立卫生院脑卒中量表NIH Stroke Scale
指导 Instruction:
1c. 意识水平指令 mands要求患者睁开、闭上眼睛,并握紧、松开非残障手 The patient is asked to open and close the eyes and then to grip and release the non-paretic hand
量表定义 Scale Definition:
0 = 两个动作都完成正确 Performs both tasks correctly
1 =正确完成一个动作 Performs one task correctly
2 =两个都不能正确完成 Performs neither task correctly
美国国立卫生院脑卒中量表NIH Stroke Scale
指导 Instruction:
2. 凝视 Best Gaze:只测试水平眼球运动。对自主或反射性(眼头)眼球运动记分。但不做冷热水反射(眼前庭反射) Only horizontal eye movements will be tested. Voluntary or reflexive (oculocephalic) eye movements will be scored but caloric testing is not done.
量表定义 Scale Definition:
0 =正常 Normal
1 =部分凝视麻痹(单眼或双眼凝视异常,但无被动凝视或完全凝视麻痹) Partial gaze palsy, gaze is abnormal is one or both eyes
2 =被动凝视或完全凝视麻痹(不能被眼头动作克服) Forced deviation, or total gaze paresis not e
美国国立卫生院脑卒中量表NIH Stroke Scale
指导 Instruction:
3. 视野 Visual:正视患者,用手指数或视威胁方法检测上、下象限视野
Visual fields (upper and lower quadrants) are tested by confrontation, using finger counting or visual threat, as appropr