文档介绍:工程设计委托合同 (中英文)
双方本着公平、自愿和诚信的原则,经友好协商达成如下条款(包括基本条款以及其他条款两个部分): Under the principles of fairness, free will and good will, IT IS HEREBY AGREED between both parties as follows (the Contract includes two parts, . the General Articles and the Contingent Articles):-
、附录、附表以及双方为履行本合同相关内容所签订的补充协议等所约定的内容为准,设计方应按照双方的约定和客户方的要求完成“ A”工程设计的各项工作。本合同的附录、附表、其他条款以及补充协议等附件是本合同不可分割的部分,具有与本协定书同等的法律效力。
The architectural design services that the Client appoints the Designer to provide shall be pliance with the provisions, appendixes and exhibits of the Contract, as well as with the provisions in the supplementary agreements in conjunction with the execution of the Contract that have entered or may be entered between the parties. The Designer shall carry out the design tasks for “A” Project according to the agreement between both parties as well as the requirements of the Client. Appendixes, exhibits, other articles and supplementary agreements of the Contract are integral part of the Contract, and shall have the same legal binding force with the Contract.
“ A”工程提供的详细设计服务项目全部列于本合同附表2——《设计服务项目清单》中,同时设计方承诺按照该附表中客户方的要求提供列明的全部服务项目。
All detailed items of the design services that the Client appoints the Designer to provide for “A” Projec t are included in Exhibit 2 – List of Design Service