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上传人:drp539606 2018/9/18 文件大小:503 KB





--Not the most thin! Only the more thin!
Fat = index
Body weight (kg) / [(height cm) * (height cm) / 10000]
Too thin! In fact, on the popular mind can, not too thin, please continue, don't forget, the primary thin beautiful oh please with according to your site, to take up the lines!!!

Called the OK, if not too fussy about the words, popular clothes wear!, just good, but we must be very careful in the control diet with exercise, otherwise accidentally es "plump"!
Be careful oh! There has been little tendency to slightly fat! From now on, to exclude a variety of food temptation, he cares about parts should also be diligent in motion, so as not to be reduced to the ranks of the fat sister!

Bad, I'm afraid you have to lose weight, and this is not a problem that can not look pretty good, from the health, the more than the risk index of you, it is very easy to cause some diseases.
First of all, ready to face the whole body of the mirror, do not be afraid to face their own "fat": there is no double chin? Swimming ring? A tiger? Bear waist? Radish legs?
Control, you are what kind of shape? The reason we carefully study the reference, and then figure out the best solution for yourself!
Easy to constipation
Action response is slow, it is lazy to exercise their own body
The skin is very sensitive, afraid of the pain
Above the ankle easy accumulation of fat into meatballs
The acupuncture points lower, especially in the duodenum, stomach, liver, small intestine, pressure is particularly painful
A pinch of knee medial pain will
Wake up in the morning, hands, feet, face is swollen.
Around the ankle tendon has swollen and fat
Fingers and toes are often cold
When wearing a shoe swelling tight feeling
The number of the toilet less quantity of urination


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