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综合英语教案8 part 1.doc

上传人:xgs758698 2018/9/18 文件大小:70 KB


综合英语教案8 part 1.doc



unit 8 Home away from Home
Part 1 En Route
6 节课
1. Improve the students’ speaking skills by answer the Qs of task by doing task 10.
2. Make the students know how to talk about tourist plans.
3. Improve the students’ listening skills by doing task 3 and task 4.
4, Make the students know the steps of booking holidays.
5, Improve the students’ reading skill by make them understand text 5.
6, Make the students master the use of some new words.
7. Improve the students translation skill .
Task 1: Talking about tourist plans
Step 1: Bring out the topic of tourist plans by asking students some questions of Exercise1.
Lead – in : When traveling to a new place, it's important to inform yourself about tourist information. It can help you learn all about your travel destination, including such important subjects as weather, the landscape, the local attractions, how to get around and the best places to eat, shop and sleep. Then lets try to talk about the Qs of task 1.
Step 2: do exercise 2
Task 2: Booking a vacation
A conversation between a customer and a travel agency clerk about booking a vacation.
Steps :
Step 1: listening to the tape for three times.
Step 2: check the answers.
Step 3: Practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.
Step 4: Explain the usage of words and expr


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