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文档介绍:MIS concepts and development
First、 Introduction
MIS (Management Information Systems for MIS) has expanded in all walks of life in modern society, because of the rapid development puter technology and the popularity of MIS has e the de puter MIS.
Currently, the development of high-quality MIS capabilities significantly behind the rapid progress puter hardware, coupled with munity to develop and refine MIS and the increased demand for MIS development process and conduct a MIS take caused by the failure of MIS development, which has seriously impeded the progress puter technology. Therefore the contents of MIS-depth research to increase our efficiency and improve the ess rate of development has e very important.
Second、The concept and interpretation
MIS is an evolving new disciplines, with puter technology munications technology has also been updated at this stage is generally considered by the MIS puter equipment or other means of information processing and information management for the system.
1、MIS target is the information
Information is processed data, the information is valuable data to decision makers. The main source of information is scattered, volume. Information from the forefront of production, from the social environment and from the market and from the administrative departments. Information is time-sensitive. There are many forms of information proces