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立式砂带分条机 毕业设计说明书.doc

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立式砂带分条机 毕业设计说明书.doc

上传人:cai.li.bin 2018/9/18 文件大小:670 KB


立式砂带分条机 毕业设计说明书.doc




Vertical sand Belt sub-machines whose main function is to address bucket finer cutting, dividing it into a certain size, suitable for the use and of certain specifications sand belt. This mechanical device is designed to improve the processing efficiency, reduce labor intensity so as to lower the processing costs. In this graduation design, we will target mainly on sub-machine development status and use sentiment, analysis it and then design a rational structure, with a better the performance . This kind of equipment in China started late, however, it develops very fast, and the main factors which should be attributed to the increasing demand of the domestic consumer market. In the developing process of domestic equipments, learning from the developed countries permeates whole. Whether China-made equipment can adapt to rapid development, it not only lies in drawing advanced foreign technology and experience, but also having to learn advanced concept of producing concept ,awareness of environment, the system mode of management. The development of domestic sub-machine in the past few years has got many valuable experiences, but we still have a long way to go. All sub-machines created are basically can be used, however, the machine efficiency of domestic equipment is a long-term shortage. Sub-machine efficiency is prehensive concept.
Key words: The sand belt sub-machines ;Vertical;Design;Tensioning device;Dearing
摘要 I
前言 1
第1章设计思路 2
设计思想 2
设备概述 2
第2章设计计算过程 5
传动系统设计 5
电动机的选择 5
带传动的设计计算 5
支架的设计 9


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