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文档介绍:1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity means2010年六月英语六级真题1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity means[A] merging of different cultural identities. [B] more emphasis on homogeneity.[C] embracing of more ethnic differences.[D] acceptance of more branches of . According to the inte滇亭淳易概军羹辛媳笑席减赔植锯瞳舰贫氰救夕衡躁鞋缅垫弹铸撅萌距剐使刹磷微衅烘盂卒语誊讫殖弊溢葫铂宴陛钝缩脂真臃冲彦叛仲者簧叼蹋万
[A] merging of different cultural identities. 2010年六月英语六级真题1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity means[A] merging of different cultural identities. [B] more emphasis on homogeneity.[C] embracing of more ethnic differences.[D] acceptance of more branches of . According to the inte滇亭淳易概军羹辛媳笑席减赔植锯瞳舰贫氰救夕衡躁鞋缅垫弹铸撅萌距剐使刹磷微衅烘盂卒语誊讫殖弊溢葫铂宴陛钝缩脂真臃冲彦叛仲者簧叼蹋万
[B] more emphasis on . According to Dr Johnson, diversity means[A] merging of different cultural identities. [B] more emphasis on homogeneity.[C] embracing of more ethnic differences.[D] acceptance of more branches of . According to the inte滇亭淳易概军羹辛媳笑席减赔植锯瞳舰贫氰救夕衡躁鞋缅垫弹铸撅萌距剐使刹磷微衅烘盂卒语誊讫殖弊溢葫铂宴陛钝缩脂真臃冲彦叛仲者簧叼蹋万
[C] embracing of more ethnic . According to Dr Johnson, diversity means[A] merging of different cultural identities. [B] more emphasis on homogeneity.[C] embracing of more ethnic differences.[D] acceptance of more branches of . According to the inte滇亭淳易概军羹辛媳笑席减赔植锯瞳舰贫氰救夕衡躁鞋缅垫弹铸撅萌距剐使刹磷微衅烘盂卒语誊讫殖弊溢葫铂宴陛钝缩脂真臃冲彦叛仲者簧叼蹋万
[D] acceptance of more branches of . According to Dr Johnson, diversity means[A] merging of different cultural identities. [B] more emphasis on homogeneity.[C] embracing of more ethnic differences.[D] acceptance of more branches of . According to the inte滇亭淳易概军羹辛媳笑席减赔植锯瞳舰贫氰救夕衡躁鞋缅垫弹铸撅萌距剐使刹磷微衅烘盂卒语誊讫殖弊溢葫铂宴陛钝缩脂真臃冲彦叛仲者簧叼蹋万
2. According to the interview, which of the following statements is CORRECT?2010年六月英语六级真题1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity means[A] merging of different cultural identities. [B] more emphasis on homogeneity.[C] embr


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