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( )1,What Will Kate buy ?
A. An English dictionary .B. Fashion mangazines . C. Some movie CDs.
( ) 2, What does Jack often do ?
A. He often runs .
B. He often dances to music.
C. He often does sports.
( ) 3. When did the girl get to theater ?
A. At 7;52 B. At 7;55 C. At 8;oo.
( ) 4. Where does the man want to go ?
A. To a drugstore. a bank. C. To a deparment store.
( ) did Wei Hua use to be like
A. Active . B. Quiet . C. Lazy .
( ) 6. What did the man think of Mr Smith’s lessons ?
A . Boring . . .
( ) 7. Why does Lucy look sad ?
A .Because she has no friends ,
B .Because her mother is ill.
C. Because she failed her ,Chinese exam.
( ) 8. How can the man get to the train station ?
A. He should walk along the street and turn left at the first crossing .
B. He should walk along the street and turn right at the first crossing.
C. He should walk along the street and turn right at the third crossing .
( ) 9. How old is Miss Wang now ?
A, 22. B. 26 C. 28
( ) are the two speakers ?
A. Teacher and student B. Students . and son .
( ) 11. What do Miss Wang like best ?
A. Listening to good music .
B. Teaching good students .
C. Reading good books .
( ) 12. Where are they probably talking ?
A. In a hospital . B。In a shop C. In a bank .
( ) 13. What’s wrong with the young man ?
A. He has a sore throat ..B. He has a cold . C. He has a stomachache .
( ) 14. How often should the young man take medicine ?
A. Once a day .B. Twice a day . C. Three times a day .
( ) 15. When did the man buy the sweater ?
A. Yesterday .
B. The day before yesterday .
C. One week ago .
( ) 16. What does the woman advise the man to do will the sweater ?
A. Return it .B. Change it for another one . C. Fix it by himself .
( ) 17. Where does this conversation take place ?
A. In a hotel B. In a restaurant . C. In


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