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超市防盗措施(supermarket anti-theft measures).doc

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超市防盗措施(supermarket anti-theft measures).doc

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超市防盗措施(supermarket anti-theft measures).doc



文档介绍:超市防盗措施(Supermarket anti-theft measures)
The supermarket anti-theft
The prevention of theft refers to the prevention of unlawful infringement of property and public property by improper ACTS or ACTS that are already in place.
Chinese name supermarket anti-theft
Point to the supermarket
They often throw in cosmetics, shampoo and cigarettes
Consumable products, stationery supplies
1 facility use
2 layout and management
1 facility use
The editor
1. Protective Settings for the entrance of the store
1. Anti-theft Settings of the gate
First, the door must be firmly embedded in the door frame. In particular, the door lock should be tightly closed to prevent burglars from using special tools to break open the door.
In addition, the door of emergency exit and delivery of goods should be made of steel materials, with steel guardrails outside the door.
In addition to customer access door, any window on the door should not be able to be able to go in and out, the glass on the window should have strong anti-breaking sex.
2. Anti-theft Settings and management of keys
(1) the door lock of the door plays an important role in the safety of the supermarket. Yet it is also a weak link in the frequent attacks of thieves. Therefore, the following factors should be considered when choosing the door lock.
Metal gate bolts are used in double revolving doors or aluminum doors, which are more secure and reliable than short metal door bolts.
The door of emergency exit should not be used for needle type column lock.
Strong box door bolts should be used with high quality pin type locking locking to prevent burglars from opening the door.
The door of the main outlet of the supermarket and the door that does not serve as an emergency exit should be locked with a double stud latch.
The single column lock needs to be opened from the outside, and the nut can be turned inside without the key.
6. The padlock is usually used in storing cigarettes, film, and other small