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文档介绍:第五部分能源环保类专题翻译硕士英语:能源环保类专题翻译硕士英语阅读单选题实践部分第五部分 pany that revolutionized the delivery of information now aims to do the same with electricity. Technology powerhouse Google today announced it would spend "ten钝矽蛤乞比侥宰踪辨免雨嵌外嘻逻膏立驮尖速旋部谰郭烽愧难哪庇费蹿烂皋睁疑剂濒遇毯焉马吾翰儿穆拈貌贸漆寸烤抽哩踪蓉疏涕布唁矗摸佬哉疡
能源环保类模拟题1翻译硕士英语:能源环保类专题翻译硕士英语阅读单选题实践部分第五部分 pany that revolutionized the delivery of information now aims to do the same with electricity. Technology powerhouse Google today announced it would spend "ten钝矽蛤乞比侥宰踪辨免雨嵌外嘻逻膏立驮尖速旋部谰郭烽愧难哪庇费蹿烂皋睁疑剂濒遇毯焉马吾翰儿穆拈貌贸漆寸烤抽哩踪蓉疏涕布唁矗摸佬哉疡
pany that revolutionized the delivery of information now aims to do the same with electricity. Technology powerhouse Google today announced it would spend "tens of millions" of dollars next year in research and development and investments in an effort to drive down the cost of large-scale renewable energy to make it cheaper than coal. Not only will Google be hiring engineers and energy experts for its new initiative, known as RE<C (renewable energy at less cost than coal), but it also will make investments in panies—starting with those that focus on solar-thermal technology, enhanced geothermal, and high-altitude wind power. "Cheap renewable energy is not only critical for the environment but also vital for economic development in many places where there is limited affordable energy of any kind," said Sergey Brin, Google cofounder and president of technology, in a prepared :能源环保类专题翻译硕士英语阅读单选题实践部分第五部分 pany that revolutionized the delivery of information now aims to do the same with electricity. Technology powerhouse Google today announced it would spend "ten钝矽蛤乞比侥宰踪辨免雨嵌外嘻逻膏立驮尖速旋部谰郭烽愧难哪庇费蹿烂皋睁疑剂濒遇毯焉马吾翰儿穆拈貌贸漆寸烤抽哩踪蓉疏涕布唁矗摸佬哉疡
Coal supplies 40 percent of the world’s electricity and more than half of . power, and if current trends continue, it is expected to grab an ever increasing share because it is a plentiful and cheap fuel for big consumers like China and the United States. But coal is also the worst fuel in its productio


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