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Unit 2 What should I do?
Period 1 (Section A 1a—2c)
Unit 2 What should I do?
Period 1 (Section A 1a—2c)

Teaching material:
Section A of Unit 2, Book II, Grade 8, Go for it.
Language goals:
Talk about problems which e up against in their daily lives.
Give advice to others and help them find solutions to their problems.
Think out solutions to one’s own problems.
Language structures:
Use modal verbs could and should to make suggestions.
Use the following sentences patterns to give advice:
You could do…
Maybe you should do…
I think you shouldn’t do…
You’d better do…
Use the following sentences patterns to evaluate others’ advice:
What do you think of this advice?
I think it’s a good idea( an okay idea, a bad idea).
I agree/disagree with you.
Teaching important and difficult points:
Talk about problems and give advice
Learning strategy:
Listen for particular messages.
Cooperate with others and fulfill a task.
Key vocabulary:
argue with…, play one’s CDs too loud, be out of style, keep out, could, call up, talk on the phone, surprise, ticket ,what’s the matter? etc.
Teaching Methods:
Listening and speaking methods
Cooperating method
Task—based language teaching
Teaching aids : A tape recorder .some pictures
Teaching steps:
StepⅠ: The basis of review, the petition (基础回顾,单词大比拼).
Remember the words and phrases as quickly a


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