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文档介绍:Encyclopedic Reading of English, Book 3
Part I prehension
The language we choose will depend on a number of things, what are they? (U1, Fundamental Reading, P1)
What can determine the meanings of language? (U1, Fundamental Reading, P2)
How should we understand “Americanism”? (U1, Fundamental Reading, P3)
When people talk, do they use their voices alone? (U1, Further Reading, P1)
What are some of the criteria for writing good spoken English? (U1, Further Reading, P2)
Make a list of some of the bad reading habits introduced in this passage. (U1, Further Reading, P3)
How is the word “idiom” defined in this passage? (U1, Test Reading, P1)
What is the students’ major task in a second language learning classroom? (U1, Test Reading, P2)
Why does the author consider radio an effective media for English learning? (U1, Test Reading, P3)
In what ways are languages changing? (U1, Test Reading, P3)
List a few values among the 13 ones mentioned in the passage. (U2, Fundamental Reading, P1)
Is the author optimistic or pessimistic towards the dialogue between East and West? (U2, Fundamental Reading, P2)
Why do people tend to have varying views on the definition of American character? (U2, Fundamental Reading, P3)
What appropriate terms can we use to define the American’s attitude toward life? (U2, Further Reading, P1)
What are some of the factors influencing the American’s attitudes toward work? (U2, Further Reading, P2)
Are there more similarities or differences among the four countries which eventually became the United Kingdom? (U2, Further Reading, P3)
According to this passage, what is the basic cause of misunderstanding between two different countries in their table manners? (U2, Test Reading, P1)
Apart from “thanks”, what other ways of responding pliments are also acceptable in English-speaking countries? (U2, Test Reading, P2)
What are the two most important elements influencing the first impression of a person? (U2, Test Reading, P3)
What influences do


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