As people living standard rise,science and technology progress,driving the car industry developing fast,taxi mon,a new generation of multi-function taxi meter arises at the historic topic research in the monolithic integrated circuit AT89S52 as the core of the multi-functional meter,expounds the design taxi hardware and software design process key technical processing and meter has disaggregate cheng, timing,billing,storage,check,statistics and so on many kinds of measurement function,and has the speeding remind,prevent the driver cheating,voice,print,display,electric clock and implementation on statistics,to taxi valuation,Adopted in the system AT24C02 type memory realize power lost time save unit price and system time waiting for information pared with the existing system,this system has a speeding remind the function of such stronger and reliable in circuit design can not only realize the meter,but also the basic valuation day and night,can according to wait to adjust the unit price midway through,while not valuation is also can be used as the clock when provide convenience for the rades.
Keywords:AT89S52 SCM;Display;Query;Bills print
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
介绍出租车计价系统课题环境 1
现状 1
整体方案、简介优势 2
2 系统硬件设计 3
核心控制器选择及介绍 3
测量、计价原理 4
测量部分设计 4
电源部分设计 6
数据显示部分设计 6
时钟部分设计 7
语音播报部分设计 9
票据打印部分设计 11
数据存储部分设计 12
3 系统软件设计 16
主程序设计 16
关键子程序设计 17
中断T1 里程计数程序设计 17
中断T0中途等待计时程序设计 18
键盘服务程序设计 18