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题目 symbolism in the scarlet letter
the scarlet letter is an 1850 romantic work of fiction in a historical setting, written by nathaniel hawthorne. it is considered to be his magnum opus. set in 17th-century puritan boston, massachusetts during the years 1642 to 1649, it tells the story of hester prynne, who conceives a daughter through an adulterous affair and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. throughout the book, hawthorne explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt.
hawthorne is a famous romantic novelist of the 19th century, he was adept at using romantic imagination, symbolism, a plenty of moral subjective color and psychological analysis to explore the inner world of the characters and present the theme. in his masterpiece the scarlet letter, hawthorne makes full advantages of those language skills. most importantly, symbolism is throughout the whole novel and has varieties meaning. so, hawthorne is regarded as a pioneer of the modern symbolism literary. this thesis briefly focuses on analyzing those symbolisms in the scarlet letter.
symbolism is a kind of speech which depends on the inner link of two things, uses some specific images to present abstract concepts, thoughts and emotions. symbolism plays a very important role in literary writing. it brings a lofty significance to the article and makes the article have a subtle and profound theme.
this thesis concentrates on the application of symbolism in the scarlet letter, which is regarded as the major writing characteristic in the novel. we can find symbolism in the change meaning of “a”, in the symbol of the name of the characters, in the meaning of the scenes. it is no doubt that only by analyzing those symbolism in detail, can we have a overall sense of the theme and get a better understanding of symbolism.
the scarlet letter is the first novel of hawthorne, after the book advent in 1850, hawthorne became fame and recognized as the mo


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