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上传人:gxngqvk 2018/9/25 文件大小:50 KB





how to be a civilized studenthello, everyone! i’mtoday, i’m honor to be standing here to give you my
speech. and the topic of my speech is: how to be a civilized studentthe topic is very old, but it isn’t old-fashioned. for students and schools,
it is an eternal makes life wonderful there are many answers, but there is an answer must
be correct and reasonable. life is wonderful because of civilization. so, how to be
a civilized student let me tell you some of my opinions. first, you must like learning. a civilized student is always full of desire for
knowledge, he is an active learner in class and after school, he always asks questions,
and he isn’t afraid of difficulties. second, you must be a polite person. polite words are in a civilized student mouth
and away from bad language, he knows let others respect him; he must respect others
firstly, it is equally important to respect others and respect , you must have good health habits. a civilized student would consciously
protect the campus environment, and buy snacks to eat at any time, because he
understands that it not only wastes money but also is bad for your health. he would
not throw beverage cups, tissues, plastic bags, paper, but he would pick up pieces
of paper and so on, because he knows the environment is everyones environment, it is much better to leave good
environment to others and , you must be a caring and responsible person. he would respect teachers
and students, care people and things around him, don’t quarrel with the students
and he won’t fight with others; he would know how to thank others, thank parents,
elders and teachers……maybe you will disagree with me, but you can try. i believe that you will be a
civilized student as long as you do all above. let us get close to civilization,
perform civilization, practice civilization and do a civilized student, and make a
civilized campus ,创文明校园各位同学、老师:大家好!今天我讲话的主题是:做文明学生,创文


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