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上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/9/26 文件大小:182 KB




文档介绍:Name : Class :
Does Lisa feel angry? (tired)
Do Chen Jie go swimming with her parents?
What is the matter with you, John?
How do you go to Beijing?
What do you do when you hurt your leg?

A: Hi, Mike. ________________________today? You look so tired.
B: I feel sick.
A: _____________________________________________?
B: My throat is sore, my nose hurts.
A: ___________________________________________?
B: Yes, I have a headache.
A: ___________________________________________?
B: No,I don’t have a fever.
A: I see. ______________________ .Don’t worry. Go to see the doctor. You’ll fell better soon.
B:Thank you.
and choose the answers (阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句子前面的括号里,每小题2分,共10分)
Kate has a bedroom. There’s a bed, a desk, a bookcase and two chairs in it. It has a green door and two clean windows. There
’s a clock on the wall. It’s made in Shanghai.
It is seven in the evening. Kate is sitting at the desk .She is doing her homework. Kate has a black cat. It is lovely. It is playing with a toy mouse.
( )1. There are two _____in the bedroom. A. beds B. chairs
( )2. The windows are _______. A. green B. clean
( )3. The clock on the wall is made in _______. A. Dongguan B.


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