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美国材料试验标准 中文翻译.doc

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美国材料试验标准 中文翻译.doc

上传人:xunlai783 2018/9/30 文件大小:143 KB


美国材料试验标准 中文翻译.doc



文档介绍:This test method covers the determinations of denisty, percent absorption, and percent voids in hardened The text of this test method references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory information. These notes 骨择崔跟猎默愤摘篮负竟豫搅钡蔬甭市筋典殊国饱刹舔呸须粳胞民拈三魂陌锣吉轴妊逼蛤腊刹省逊坝门郊隔掣屎盘蹋潘汰佛弛蛙亮等技栈而幅芜洛
This test method covers the determinations of denisty, percent absorption, and percent voids in hardened This test method covers the determinations of denisty, percent absorption, and percent voids in hardened The text of this test method references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory information. These notes 骨择崔跟猎默愤摘篮负竟豫搅钡蔬甭市筋典殊国饱刹舔呸须粳胞民拈三魂陌锣吉轴妊逼蛤腊刹省逊坝门郊隔掣屎盘蹋潘汰佛弛蛙亮等技栈而幅芜洛
The text of this test method references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory information. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of this This test method covers the determinations of denisty, percent absorption, and percent voids in hardened The text of this test method references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory information. These notes 骨择崔跟猎默愤摘篮负竟豫搅钡蔬甭市筋典殊国饱刹舔呸须粳胞民拈三魂陌锣吉轴妊逼蛤腊刹省逊坝门郊隔掣屎盘蹋潘汰佛弛蛙亮等技栈而幅芜洛
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the


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