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( 1 ) 服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜),仆人,佣人
1. Do you need the __________ of a lawyer?
2. The __________ in this restaurant is excellent.
3. What time is breakfast __________ in this hotel?
4. You should __________ your country.
5. They keep two __________: a cook and a gardener.
( 2 ) 短,矮,缺,缺点,短处,立刻,不久,缩短
1. You have cut my hair __________.
2. The doctor is with another patient now but will see you __________.
3. We all have our __________.
4. Our group is two people __________.
5. The letter is too long. Can you __________ it a little?
( 3 ) 羞涩,胆小,腼腆,不好意思
1. Because of her ________ Molly is unhappy at meeting or talking with people .she doesn’t know well.
2. Mary answers very __________ when she is asked a question.
3. The man was too __________ to ask her to dance.
( 4 ) 寂静,安静,沉默
1. He was __________ about his early life.
2. They walked on in __________.
3. Your __________ on recent events surprises me.
4. The man worked leisurely, __________.
( 5 ) 简单,简朴
1. We live very __________: we do not have large meals or rich clothes.
2. Give the directions as __________ as possible.
3. She wasn’t as __________ as people thought.
4. He set out his ideas in __________ English.
( 6 ) 轻微,微小
1. She had a __________ fever.
2. It is only a __________ injury, not at all serious.
3. I’m afraid I’m __________drunk.
4. The patient is ______