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上传人:bai1968104 2018/10/5 文件大小:19 KB





Good afternoon everyone ! I’m very glad to interpret my lesson herelesson plan I'm going to talk about is from Book I Unit 7 What does he look like ?—the first period. The language goal is: Describe people’s looks . and there are some new description words in it .My understanding of teaching materials include three parts :(1)the first one from 1a to 1c . In this part ,help students learn the new words and language .try to describe people with them . (2)the second part from 2a to 3 ,in this part mainly practice their listening and writing .(3) the last part is Grammar Focus , in this part I’ll ask students to sum what they have learned in class and Explain some important things to them
l In this unit students learn to describe people . and the main content of this lesson are the sentences : What does he\she look like ?What do you\they look like? the answers and some description words.
l The ability aim is to describe people’s looks .
l As a new lesson I’ll use different kinds of methods to encourage the students to practice . Make them describe various people and be interested in my class .
There are eight steps in the lesson . Here are the steps .
Next I’d like to talk about part three—Learningusuallytell the students some learningfour languageskills,I also tell the students to learn efficiently through ,in my class I train the students


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