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上传人:dreamclb 2018/10/11 文件大小:29 KB




对我个人而言,读Jane Austin的原著小说不是一件容易的事情,撇开文化差异和英文水平不说,一场接一场的舞会牌局、拜访和闲聊,平淡琐碎,字里行间却又暗藏机锋,凸现幽默。看的时候不觉得流畅,却又忍不住细细品味,。
Pride And Prejudice Script
Lydia! Kitty!

My dear Mr , have you heard?

Netherfield Park is let at last. Do you
not want to know who has taken it?

As you wish to tell me, my dear,
I doubt I have any choice in the matter.

Kitty, what have I told you
about listening at the door?

There's a Mr Bingley
arrived from the North.

- Five thousand a year!
- Really?

- He's single!
- Who's single?

A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty!

How can that possibly affect them?

Mr ,
how can you be so tiresome?

You know he must marry one of them.

That is his design in settling here?

You must go and visit him at once.

Good heavens. People.

For we may not visit if you do not,
as you well know, Mr .

- Are you listening? You never listen.
- You must, Papa! At once!

There's no need. I already have.

- You have?
- When?

Oh, Mr ,
how can you tease me so?

Have you passion
for my poor nerves?

You mistake me, my dear.
I have the highest respect for them.

They've been my panions
these twenty years.


- Is he amiable?
- Who?

- Is he handsome?
- He's sure to be.

With a year,
it would not matter if he had warts.

Who's got warts?

I will consent to
his marrying whichever girl he chooses.

- So will e to the ball tomorrow?
- I believe so.

- Mr !
- I have to have your muslin!

- I'll lend you my green slippers!
- They were mine.

- I'll do your mending for a week.
- I'll retrim your new .

Two weeks I'll do it for.

It's not the same!
It's not the same.

I can't breathe.

I think one of
my toes just came off.

If every man does not end the evening
in love with you,

then I'm no judge of beauty.