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2017年广东英语高考真题(3 证书).doc

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2017年广东英语高考真题(3 证书).doc

上传人:乘风破浪 2018/10/14 文件大小:74 KB


2017年广东英语高考真题(3 证书).doc



I. 补全对话(5小题,共10分)
例:M: How's everything going?
W: Fine, thanks. How are you doing?
M: _____.
A. I'm 16 now B. Yes, it is good
C. See you then D. Oh, not too bad
1. M: What a fine day! Why not go for a ic?
W: _____. Let’s go.
A. You’re joking B. Sounds great
C. I’m afraid not D. Don’t worry
2. W: Hi, Tom. I’ve got the job I wanted in pany.
M: _____! That’s good news.
A. Go ahead B. Good luck
C. Congratulations D. Come on
3. W: Mr. Smith, I’m sorry I didn’t finish my homework on time.
M: _____. I know you’ve been taking care of your father these days.
A. That all depends B. Help yourself
C. You are e D. That’s all right
4. W: What a wonderful night! Thank you for inviting me.
M: _____.
A. It’s my pleasure B. It’s nothing
C. That’s a good idea D. That’s right
5. M: Mrs. Brown is ill in hospital. She can’e to school today.
W: _____.
A. I don’t think so B. Not at all
C. I’m sorry to hear that D. I don’t know
II. 词汇与语法(20小题,共40分)
A) 从A、B、C、D中选出句中画线的单词或词组的意义。
例: We had enough time to do the work.

6. Mr. Li was very strict with his students and he never allowed them to be late for school.
A. 无私的 B. 体贴的 C. 慷慨的 D. 严格的
7. In the