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上传人:做机械197216396 2018/10/15 文件大小:1.63 MB


中期答辩表.doc [32.50 KB]
任务书.doc [40.50 KB]
副车架-A1.dwg [87.31 KB] 查看图纸
取力器-A1.dwg [228.25 KB] 查看图纸
垃圾箱-A1.dwg [127.91 KB] 查看图纸
开题报告.doc [64.50 KB]
摘要目录.doc [101 KB]
整车装配图-A0.dwg [283.97 KB] 查看图纸
文献翻译.doc [181 KB]
液压系统-A1.dwg [63.16 KB] 查看图纸
螺母.dwg [59.28 KB] 查看图纸
设计说明书.doc [1.70 MB]
轴套.dwg [66.31 KB] 查看图纸
轴承垫圈.dwg [62.06 KB] 查看图纸
过程管理材料.doc [164.50 KB]
题目审定表.DOC [34.50 KB]



随着我国城镇一体化建设速度的加快,城市规模的扩大,人口数量的增多,城市生活垃圾也随之日益增多,城市对垃圾运输车的需求将越来越大。据我国环卫信息网统计计算,,并以每年8%的速度增长。而与此同时,我国城市垃圾的搜集和运输能力明显不足,环卫车辆的保有量远远未达到建设部《城镇环境卫生设施标准》CJJ 27-。,若按配置标准要求,保有量缺口达40%,但现有车辆80%以上都在超负荷工作,满足不了实际需要。由此,垃圾车的城市需求量每年都在13000辆以上,而且在逐年的递增,课题所涉及的密封式垃圾车属于新型专用汽车以其自身环保性好已经在我国已经得到广泛的应用。
With China's urban integration to speed up, and the expansion of city scale, population increase, city life rubbish also subsequently increasing and cities on the garbage truck needs will e greater and greater. According to China's environmental sanitation s statistical analysis and calculation of urban garbage, at present our country has reached million tons annual, and with growing at 8 per cent a year. Meanwhile, China's urban garbage collection and transportation capacity is obviously deficiencies, sanitation vehicle quantities are far from reach construction ministry "urban environment, sanitation standards" CJJ 27-2005 car/million prescribed standards. Allocation Now urban population, if 375m according to standard requirements, quantities gap, but current vehicles a 40 percent more than 80% are overworked, cannot satisfy the actual needs. Thus, the city garbage every year in demand, and in more than 13,000 car increasing year by year, subject involves the sealed truck belongs to the new special vehicle to its own environmental protection in our country has good have widely application. This paper introduces the design of miniature sealed truck that describes in the design process on the problems and solutions, for different parison, garbage sealed-bid rational selection, and design a second chassis sealed carriage and hydraulic lifting mechanism, choose the correct hydraulic cylinder to ensure the normal operation of lifting mechanism.
Keywords: Miniature Sealed Truck; Sealed Ca


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