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文档介绍:call up
The teacher called up the students right now and asked them to withdraw from the building at
The doctor was called up twice during the night to attend urgent
Form the bottom of the stairs he called up, “Have you seen my book?”想起
call in 召集,请……来
call in on sb. (顺路)看望、拜访某人
call in at sp. (顺路)参观某地
call off 取消
call for 需要,去接某人,去取某物
call back 回电话
call on sb. to do sth. 请求、号召某人做某事
Mary used to listen to music that called up the old time.
Call me up this evening if it is convenient for you.
The meeting about the invention patent was called off suddenly.
The situation called for immediate action.
Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers.
2. patent n. 专利; adj. 专利的; vt. 获得专利权
apply for a patent 申请一项专利
get / obtain a patent for/on…获得…….的专利
the patent office 专利局
patent right 专利权
patent the product 获得那个产品的专利权
3. distinguish vt. 区别,辨别,看清,成为(具有)……的特征, 使显著
distinguish between A and B (A from B) 辨别A和B
distinguish my classmate 认出我的同学
distinguish oneself 使自己出名,受人瞩目
distinguish oneself as 作为……令人瞩目
be distinguished by 因…而与众不同,以…为特征
be distinguished for 因…….而出名
distinguishable 可辨别的
distinguishable 可辨认的
distinguished 有尊严的,高贵的, 杰出的,非凡的
distinction 区别
distinctive 独特的
extinguisher 灭火器
Practice :
People who can’t distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.
Hangzhou is distinguished f