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../城市区域消防力量评估技术研究.docx [123.99 KB]
../开题报告.docx [20.05 KB]
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本课题结合ISO(Insurance Services Office,美国保险事务所)确定城市消防供水流量值的方法,在考虑我国的国情和消防实际后,用来确定城市区域内各种建筑物所需的消防供水流量值;通过对比、分析,从中选出一个最能代表该城市区域特点的典型建筑物的消防供水流量值作为该区域的消防供水流量值;根据该值可以确定城市区域所需的消防力量,包括消防供水能力、消防人员、消防车辆、消防器材以及消防站布局等要素;得出所需消防力量之后,再对城市区域现有消防力量进行调查,并将调查所得的现有消防力量与所需消防力量进行比较,确定城市区域消防力量需求补偿值;最后,通过对城市区域消防力量需求补偿率的分析,按照等级评估的评估标准和评估方法对城市区域消防力量进行评估。实例分析表明:该方法科学可靠,可操作性强,将该方法运用到城市区域消防力量评估技术上,能使评估结果更为公正、合理、客观。该方法的提出以及对城市区域消防力量的准确评估,将为我国有关部门规划消防力量布局提供较为科学的理论依据,有助于进行更有针对性的消防部队建设。
关键词消防; 评估; 城市区域; 供水流量
Research on the Assessment of Fire Powers
in the Urban Area
This issue uses the approach of ISO (Insurance Services Office.)’s way of determining the amount of urban fire flow. After taking the Chinese situation and practical fire power into consideration, we use this method to determine the value of needed fire flow for various buildings in the urban area. parison and analysis, we choose the fire flow value of the most representative structures as the typical fire flow in a certain urban area. According to this value, the city mobile fire power can be determined, including the capacity of water supply, firefighters, fire engines, fire equipments and the layout of the fire station. Getting the fire power in theory, we make more researches into the real fire power. Then we can have parison between theoretical fire power and real fire power and determine the pensation rate of fire power in the urban area. At last, thorough analysis about the pensation rate, we adopt some assessment methods and criteria to assess the fire power in the urban area. According to the analysis of an example, this method is scientific, reliable and easy to operate. By applying this method into the assessment technology of the fire power in urban area, we can gain a more rational and objective es of the evaluations. This method paratively scientific theoretical basis to the planning on the layout of fire power, and it will also help to build a more powerful fire station building in China.