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文档介绍:Electronic Article Surveillance
(EAS- 3200 digital EAS)
User’s Guide
ShuangBei NanJing Technology Co.,LTD
Ι Main technical parameters
Power supply DC 24V
DC source <300mA
Safeguard 250V, fuse
Output current 180mA<JP1<240mA
Center frequency ±
Scanning frequency bias ±500KHZ
Scan rate 180HZ ± 1HZ
Power supply DC 24V
DC source ______
in guard status <380mA
in alarm status <380mA
sensitivity 5μA
Safeguard 250V, , fuse
radio-frequency bandwidth ~
Ⅱ Mounting tools instruments and meters
Name Quantities
1、earth groove cutter 1
2、bumping electric hammer 1
3、hand electrical drill 1
4、adjustable wrench 1
5、iron hammer 1
6、clipper 1
7、bevel pliers 1
8、crosshead screwdriver 1
9、screwdriver for adjustment 1
10、universal meter 1
Ⅲ Environmental Conditions
1、Mounting position of EAS detector
EAS detector cannot be set up in the distance of from a metal door or 1m from any metal objects inducing the metal wall reinforcements, goods shelves, metal showcases, hand purchasing carts, etc. It is also not allowed to mount this detector in 2m nearby the money machines, ID devices for credit cards, telephones, computers, data cables, neon lamps, air conditioners, heaters, etc.
2、To ensure the EAS operation reliability, at first it is necessary to detect the interference sources and set the system far away from these sources if they are difficult to be removed. Generally, there are two kinds of interference: the first is active in nature such as the various electric sparks, motors, blowers and fire due to improper contact, or interferences caused by serious noises of power source; the second is passive in nature such as the conduct rolls, pos machine on money acceptance desk, different signal limes of printer power cords in roll and so on.
3、The power case of EAS detector uses 10A two poles and a grounding plug. A separate power source AC 220V is required to avoid the interferen


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