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An elementary school with no homework or tests? Probably sounds like a dream for most kids, and it was one that came true in 1972 when Canada’s ALPHA Alternative School opened its doors.
ALPHA, an acronym for A Lot of Parents Hoping for an Alternative, bans just about everything a traditional school is all about. With multi-age group classrooms and an emphasis on arts and imagination―the school provides a different way of learning.
But what effect does such an environment have by the time those youngsters reach adulthood? Well, as a part of ALPHA’s 40-year anniversary, Michael Barker, a Toronto photographer, caught up with some of the members of the 1)inaugural class.
“ALPHA”,是“A Lot of Parents Hoping for an Alternative”的缩写,意为“家长期望另一种教育方式”,它与传统学校截然不同。该学校不按年龄分班,注重艺术以及想象力的培养,提供一种不同于传统教育的学习方式。但是,随着那些小学生逐渐长大成人,这样的教育环境对他们有什么样的影响?这个呢,作为“ALPHA”学校创校四十周年庆的一部分,一名来自多伦多的摄影师迈克尔?巴克,找到了几位该校第一届的学生。
He took the adult’s portraits and matched them up with pictures from their younger years―also getting interviews about what they are doing now. The goal? To get a “sense of the long-term effects of this radical experiment in cooperative education.” Their paths varied; some working in home improvement or on cars; others write, work puters, or became nurses.
A writer for the Daily Mail points out that ho


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