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上传人:ying_zhiguo01 2015/9/12 文件大小:0 KB





Are you trying to figure out[想出] how to make the most of[充分利用] this summer? Well, summer can be either the most boring or most exciting time of the year. It all depends on if you make the most of it. These tips can aid you in having a productive[多产的], enjoyable, and regret-free summer vacation.
1. Wake up early. Nothing eats away[腐蚀,消耗] at summer break like moping[闷闷不乐] around beneath the covers. Decide the previous day when you will get out of bed, then make sure to follow through.
During the first few weeks of vacation, chances are that you will relish[喜欢] the opportunity to sleep in[睡过头]. It’s okay to do this and give yourself a break, because your body will naturally put itself on a schedule[时刻表] to wake itself up earlier.
2. Maintain good health and hygiene[卫生]. Brush your teeth and bathe often. Make sure to use sunblock[防晒霜]. Summer is a great time to get in shape[处于良好状态], or stay in shape. Consider joining a summer sport, or at the very least get outside and have fun every day.
3. Clean your room. It may take a while to get your room ready for school. It will be worth it though when you are not losing important papers. Plus, your parents will see that you are more mature[成熟的] when they see that you cleaned your room without them threatening[威胁] to take away your cellphone.
4. Study. Look over last year’s notes, or do some research into what nex


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