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It’s 7 . at 2)Angkor Wat and there’s not a tourist in sight. It’s blissfully quiet, the first clear June morning after two days of 3)torrential rains. The only souls around are a small group of Buddhist pilgrims, lighting 4)incense at the rear of the spectacular 5)Khmer temple. The 6)bleary-eyed early-risers, who woke in darkness to board tour buses to Angkor 7)archaeological park for sunrise 8)photo ops, have already 9)trundled back to their breakfast buffets. I’m not here for sightseeing, however, I’m heading further into the forest surrounding the 10)stupendous plex with Australian archaeologist Dr Damian Evans to meet the archaeologists from Cambodia, the Philippines and the USA, who are working on new 11)excavations.
The release by the 12)US National Academy of Sciences of a report on the results of a high-tech survey of Khmer Empire sites, undertaken in April 2012, has rocked the archaeological world and captured travelers’ imaginations. Evans was one of the report authors and the lead archaeologist and director of the project, which only became known outside local and archaeological circles with the release of the report.
As we make our way through dense vegetation, he explains how eight key archaeological groups collaborated on the project. It began with a survey using an airborne laser scanning instrument called Lidar, strapped to a helicopter, t