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上传人:cai.li.bin 2018/10/23 文件大小:29 KB





文档介绍:The Analysis of Figure
Abstract :This paper introduce the definition about simile , metonymy, metaphor, synecdoche, irony and personification. Meanwhile, the author discuss the way to remember the professional bine with her practise, at last ,the paper gives a simple conclusion to the rhetoric class.
Key words: rhetoric the figure of speech artificial memory
Introduction of some general concepts
Words used in their original meanings are used literally,while words used in extended meanings for the purpose of parisons or calling up pictures in the reader's or listener's mind are used figuratively. There are various ways of using words figuratively. They are called figures of speech. Among the mon of them are:
Simile : It is parison between two distinctly different thing and parison is indicated by the word as or like:
My love's like a red , red rose.
That man can't be trusted. He's as slippery as an eel.
The old man's hair is as white as snow.
In the above three example people and things of different categories pared: a woman and a rose, a man and an eel, and hair and snow. But each pair have one similarity: loveliness, slipperiness and whiteness. The discrepancy between the two pared makes their similarity all the more striking.
Metaphor: It is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality. It is also parison, but p


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