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文档介绍:Restaurant (2) (Sept. 3, 2011)
Describe cafe or restaurant that you know.
You should say:
where it is *
how often you go there
what kind of food they serve there (or, what service they provide)
who you usually go there with

and explain why you like to eat at this place. *
and explain why you choose to eat at this place. *
I have been to variety of different restaurants, what impressed me most is the Haidilao hotpot restaurant, which located in the busiest street in Beijing. Due to the caring service .Haidilao has a great reputation in the field of hotpot,
Well, I will give you several reasons why I like this restaurant. First, the restaurant has a variety of dishes. You could enjoy meals vegetables, and fruits from different province of china. Second, I like its atmosphere. Unlike many Chinese hotpot restaurants, it is clean and is decorated with many things to look at. The third is its satisfactory service. The waiter will deliver a hot towel to everybody to clean our hands. a glasses cloth to wipe the fag on the glasses. and some rubber bands to ladies who have long hair.
So anyway, all in all and before I finish I would like to say that if you want to enjoy hotpot in China, Haidelao is the first choice for you and you will have a good time.
Why do people like to eat in restaurants?
How can (or do) restaurants attract (or, keep) customers?
2. An Enjoyable Place in a City or Town (Sept. 3, 2011)
Version A
Describe an place in a town or city that you enjoyed visiting. *
You should say:
where it was
what it looked like
how you discovered this place
and explain why you liked this place. *
Version B
Describe an place in a town or city that you enjoy visiting. *
You should say:
where it is
what it looks like
how you discovered about this place
and explain why you like going to this place. *
Well, talking about a place I enjoyed visiting, I guess I have bunch of places I enjoy, but the one I would like to introduce to