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上传人:wz_198613 2018/10/27 文件大小:4.73 MB





Based on the researches home and abroad,the model of city dense development and efficient public transport will make the problem which the urban transportation meets ,especially in China,though giving public transport priority is the consensus among planners and leaders,how to realize it in practice is still not systematically there is not any all-around methods
dissertation considers that ofall obstacles the realization ofpriority ofurban public transport how to give it
necessary financial aids is the most important.
This project is one part of the project aided by National Nature Science Foundation of China, Research on Sustainable Development of Urban Traffic dissertation emphasizes on the research On the means to realize the financial priority of public transport under the strategy of urban
transportation sustainable systematical analysis of删usting scales of urban passenger
transport modes and layers of priority of public transport,the paper brings forward the concept of Special Revenue of Urban Public Tranport(SRUPT),its macroscopical model and microcosmic quantification
Based on basic theory studies together with preparation works,the dissertation reviews and defines the strategy of urban sustainable development and important role that urban traffic plays in city the strate科of urban transportaion sustainable development is ascertained,SO does the
necessarity of the priority of public the analysis of layers of priority of urban public transport,the idea of SRUPT and rationality is put ,a new pical model of SRUPT is set up and the function of public fund which is important part in the revenue system is
The dissertation improves on the former forecast methods for Car transit without thinking about the particularity ofthat under the condition of variety of traffic the paper creates a