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文档介绍:Chapter Two: Literature Review
This chapter is made up of two main sections: introduction of related terms and review of previous researches. Firstly, this chapter introduces relevant terms in vocabulary knowledge, grammatical knowledge and prehension, including their basic notions and analytical frameworks. Secondly, it reviews the previous studies on the relationship between lexical knowledge and prehension, between grammatical knowledge and prehension and between the lexical and grammatical knowledge to prehension.
Introduction of Related Terms
Vocabulary Knowledge
The theoretical point of this study is the contrast of receptive vocabulary knowledge and productive vocabulary knowledge as well as the basic distinction between breadth and depth of vocabulary. Although researchers have arguments on the manner by which we can define the multidimensional nature of vocabulary knowledge, this distinction appears to monly accepted (., Anderson & Freebody, 1981; Qian, 1999, 2002; Read, 1993; Wesche & Paribakht, 1996).
Distinction between Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge
Breadth of vocabulary knowledge, or vocabulary size, refers to the quantity or the number of words that learners know at a particular level of language proficiency (Nation, 2001). Studies of vocabulary size have been published since early in the last century. In recent years, another aspect of vocabulary knowledge—the depth of word knowledge – has also aroused great interest among applied linguistics. Depth of vocabulary knowledge refers to the quality of lexical knowledge, or how well learners know a word (Meara, 1996; Read, 1993, 2000). It includes ponents that have been mentioned in the vocabulary knowledge frameworks proposed by Nation
(1990, 2001) and Laufer (1997)
Distinction between Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge
Compared with distinction between breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge, the nature of receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge is more difficul