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In the motion control system,the control of electromotor's rotate speed is of great importance,there are a lot of speed control arithmetics and methods ,the analog PID control is one of the earliest developed control policies which has formed typical structure ,its parametric setting is convenient and it's easy to meet normal control's demand,but as the whole control process is fixed once the parameter has been set while practically the changes of those conditions like the system parameters and temperature of the environment prohibit the system from reaching its best control effect,so the analog PID controller barely has satisfied the development puter technology and intelligent control theory ,the digital PID technology is thriving which can achieve the analog PID's control tasks and consists of many advantages like flexible control arithmetics and high reliability,it is widely used now.
This design is based on the digital PID mentioned above as basic control arithmetic and AT89S51 SCM as control core,the system produces PWM impulse whose duty ratio is controlled by digital PID arithmetic to make sure the running of direct current machine's rotate ,the design uses photoelectric sensor to transduce the electromotor speed into impulse frequency and feed it back to SCM,this process implements rotate speed's closed loop control to attain the purpose of rotate speed's astatic this system, the


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