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上传人:坐水行舟 2018/11/2 文件大小:39 KB




文档介绍:Teaching reflection:
In order to advance with the development of the new curriculum reform, the Yancheng Teaching and Research Institute sponsored the annual Top-quality petition. I, luckily, took this rare opportunity to participate in petition on December 7th. All of petitors were from different counties. They had the same goal, that is, to show their teaching style so as to promote academic changes between themselves. I felt a little nervous at first, because it was my first time to take part in such petition. In addition, there was little time for me to do enough preparation and put it into practice. With the help of my colleagues and their encouragement, I decided to try my best. I chose the part of Main Task as my teaching material. After I studied the text, I found that the main goals of this period were to make the students master the new words about people’s personality, appearance and to train the students’ability to write an article about himself/herself or his/her best friend. Based on the knowledge aims, I also had to help realize students’ emotional aim, say, to enable the students to know what kind of a friend is a true friend and how to make good friends. This was a valuable experience for me. After petition, I realized that I had learnt a lot from practice and others.
Now I’d like to analyze my teaching from the following aspects:
Ⅰ Preparation and teaching


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