What is the full name
Of the UK?
The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
British Isles Lie off the northwest coast of The European continent
Scotland, England ,Wales and Northern Ireland
England : most populous and wealthiest division of the UK with a buck of low lands and the concentration of big cities.
*a pretty kettle of fish 混乱
*A big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物
*drink like a fish 牛饮
*Never teach a fish to swim不要班门弄斧
gather the wool , Wool-gathering (胡思乱想)
Lose one’s wool(发怒)
much cry and little wool (雷声大雨点小)
Temperate Maritime Climate温带海洋性气候
Mild westerly wind from the Atlantic ocean and warm drift of gulf stream help the oceanic influences rate inland more efficiently.
雪莱: Ode To The West Wind 西风颂
If es can Spring be far behind?
莎士比亚:Shall pare Thee To a Summer’s Day?