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精品毕业论文-- 基于物联网技术的温室大棚控制系统设计.doc

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精品毕业论文-- 基于物联网技术的温室大棚控制系统设计.doc

上传人:mkt365 2013/6/14 文件大小:0 KB


精品毕业论文-- 基于物联网技术的温室大棚控制系统设计.doc


关键词 AT89S52;传感器;nRF905
Based on the content of working technologies greenhouse canopy control system by AT89S52 single chip puter as the core, the heating furnace and fan, sprinkler irrigation and irrigation, fluorescent lamp, respectively, and to increase the heat shed greenhouse carbon dioxide concentration, increase the air humidity, irrigation, artificial light supplement; SHT10 digital temperature and humidity sensors, using FDS-100 type soil moisture sensor, SH-300-DH carbon dioxide sensor and TSL2561 strong light sensor, will shed the data collected in the information in the liquid crystal display on the 1602, and through the serial munication will signals to from the machine. The host to finish the numerical precast and alarm circuit module function, and from plete collection of machine numerical display and heating and fan, sprinkler irrigation and irrigation and fluorescent lamp control functions. In this paper the design greenhouse canopy control system, can collect real-time control of the air temperature and humidity in greenhouse, soil humidity, light intensity, the concentration of carbon dioxide and other environmental parameters to intuitive data shows to the user, and may, according to the demand of planting crops provide alarm information.
Keywords AT89S52;SHT10;FDS-100;SH-300-DH;TSL2561
1 绪论
随着通信技术的飞速发展,人们已经不再满足于人一与人之间的通信方式以及需要人参与交互的通信方式,一种更加智能、更加便捷的通信方式为人们所期待。物联网---一种物体、机器间不需要人的参与即可完成信息交互的通信方式( of things)便应运而生[1]。简单的说,物联网是物物相连的网络,在整个信息采集、传递、计算的过程中无需人的参与交互。