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Along with the development of diversified customer financing needs, single mode can not meet the fact lending customer demand. In July 2001,the people’s bank of China issued mercial bank provisional regulations of the intermediary business, further defined by the central bank approval mercial Banks can apply for financial derivatives business, agency securities and investment fund custody, information consultation, financial consultant and so on investment banking ,this mercial Banks in the existing policy and legal framework to explore investment banking have great practice space and development space. In China, established in 2002, investment bank mercial bank, the people's livelihood, pudong, industrial mercial bank such as agriculture center, established in investment banking sector, and the increase in profits in the bank has produced a significant role. However, China's investment Banks lives a short development, commercial bank investment banking currently only just beginning, said the gradual deregulation in banking and unavoidable produces serious problems. Therefore, exploring a market for themselves road of development on the basis of the financial crisis has an important role. In this paper, we use the investment banking as the main clues, Compare the development of domestic and mercial banks in the diversity context, drawn from the development mercial banks in China lack of investment banking, and to draw lessons from the overseas development and experience.
Key words: investment bank mercial bank,banking manageme


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